Denim Dress: Target.
Light Pink Ruffle Sleeve Shirt: Charlotte Russe.
Gold Gladiator Sandals: Forever21.
Pink Silk Headscarf: China.
Gold Chain Necklace: Thrifted.
Gold and Pearl Earrings: Thrifted.
Rose Ring (cannot see in the pictures): Forever21.
Hello everyone!
You could say that Aaron Carter was the Justin Bieber of my childhood. I was so obsessed with him as a young tween girl. I would put his CD on replay and always look up his pictures on the Internet. I had posters of him in my room. It was an infatuation to be more exact. Now, Aaron Carter is a creepy alcoholic man. Hopefully Justin Bieber doesn't turn out like that, haha! Anyways, the point I'm trying to get at with this whole Aaron Carter thing is that my favorite song of his was " Not too and Not Too Old," hence the title of this blog post!
A classmate of mine brought it too my attention today that I looked rather youthful and young today. She said that usually I dress much more older for my age, and although I looked cute today that I looked so young! This statement really made me think about something I didn't realize. I'm always either wearing outfits that make my look like like a twenty something, or wearing an outfit that a six year old might wear! My outfits are always grown up, or so youthful. There really never is a perfect balance between the two! Now, I'm not actually going to try and achieve this balance. Some days I like to look very grown up, and other days I like to look very young like a child! I suppose it's part of my personal style, and it's sticking. ;)
Sorry for only three pictures of today's outfit. You are about to be very disappointed with me...
:( I.! UGHHHHH!! I didn't even do anything to it! It just flat out broke. Ugh, ugh, ugh. It still takes pictures, but the lens is won't retract and the pictures are especially blurry and unclear. The good news is that it has been less than thirty days that I've had this camera, so I can exchange it for a different one for free. Sigh. The Camera Killer lives on! She has now taken the lives of three innocent camera. How long will her killing spree last...?
I've got quite the embarrassing story to tell you all tomorrow that happened to me yesterday. It was perhaps one of the most embarassing moments of my high school career yet. I won't bore you all with it tonight though ;) Hope everyone is doing great! Horray for tomorrow being Friday!
This is such an adorable outfit! Actually, I think it has some young and more sophisticated touches to it. Besides, dressing younger than you are is so much fun! I basically do it everyday:p
Sorry about your camera--that's weird that they keep breaking!
the sandals and necklaces complemented the outfit very well. and sorry about your camera =(
I'm sorry about the camera, that sucks :( It is a cute outfit though!
<3 Alison
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