a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Friday, April 8, 2016

Did Someone Say Iced Coffee?

Hi guys!

Happy F-R-I-D-A-Y. I think it's safe to say it's everyone's favorite day of the week. I'm sittin' in bed right now with a big ole cup of coffee before I go into work later. Where I will drink more coffee. Because my life revolves around where I'm getting my next cup of coffee, ha. We got Lavender syrup in yesterday, and to say I am over-the-moon is an understatement. I've been obsessed with Lavender lattes since I first got one in NYC last December, so now it's dangerous that I can have one every shift. Some people think they taste like soap. I think they taste like everything good in the world right in one cup. x

Ohio weather has been bouncing off the walls crazy and can't seem to make up its mind at all! Half these photos were taken by a beautiful bush blooming outside the fashion school, but then it started thundering, lighting, and raining. I had to run for cover tottering in my heels with a giant metal rod (not the best idea), and shot the rest of the photos under building cover. This weekend calls for lots of snow which has me incredibly displeased. A snow storm last weekend killed off all the blooms before I could take photos with them. Poor little things never stood a chance.

Hope ya'll are doing well! Have a lovely weekend

With much love, Lauren.  

Outfit Details:
Black Turtleneck: Thrifted.
Faux Leather Jacket(similar): H&M.
Grey Skinny Jeans (similar from H&M): Aeropostle.
Black Patent Bow Heels (super similar to mine!): Thrifted.


Madison said...

Okay....I seriously want to try a lavender Late! Oh, and I couldn't agree more about life revolving around coffee:)

Anonymous said...

A very European look for you, my dear friend!

LOVE coffee! Am drinking it now! But I have never thought of, heard of, tried, that lavender ... & since I love lavender! ... hmmmm - you may just have a good idea, there ;)

~ Jeannee Waseck, Sparkle4Jesus@outlook.com

Lee said...

This look is so classic! Love it! and now I really want to try a lavender latte!

Lee - leethrifts.com

Kimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair said...

Girl, this outfit!!! You look chic and so fierce (and so very New York!).

Ada Ciuca said...

You're looking so New York in this outfit! Perfect practice for the future :)


Carmel Elizabeth said...

I love this - I think that double shooting it and mixing the photos actually added even more depth and interest to this photo set! So nice. <3

Three cheers for coffee!

Susanna said...

Love the coffee and the outfit. Iced coffee is my favorite thing, however, since I moved to the UK I also very much enjoy the funny faces I get when I ask for a black iced coffee and proceed to explain how to make it... apparently it isn't that popular over here.

Jamie Rose said...

I've never had a lavender latte but now I want to try one! It sounds intriguing.
Also you look so super cool in this outfit. I love the simplicity of the turtleneck, leather jacket, and jeans. Perfect and timeless.

Jamie | PetitePanoply.com

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