a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Friday, June 27, 2014

Leave It Behind.

Floral Garden Dress: c/o OASAP.
Black T-Strap Heels: Thrifted.
Lipstick in Lime Crime's Centrifuchsia.

I've felt strangely insecure lately just about everything, which is strange because I haven't felt this way in many years. Nothing really even happened to make me feel this way--I just do. I haven't been taking outfit photos as often lately because I just don't like to look at myself, or even take them during this time I've felt kind of down. It just feels labor some to try and get what I have pictured in my mind, and when I can't it brings me down even more so. It's just not body insecurity lately, but insecurity about everything about my general appearance and personality, as well. My round face, my imperfect skin, my inability to do makeup, my forever unruly, frizzy, mess of hair that I can never get to look good...it's just overwhelming to find all these flaws in myself lately and I don't really know what brought it about.

I'm not writing this so we can all have a big pity party for Lauren evening...more so, I just want to let others know that you can be at peace with your body and appearance, but there are still days/times when it's a struggle. I've had a solid self positivity for about three years now, so it surprised me to feel so weak in my thinking all of a sudden when usually I can reassure and instill confidence in myself.

I don't know if it could be a factor, but perhaps it's because I'm feeling very anxious about leaving for Europe soon. I have all these worries and anxieties and it's making me doubt myself, abilities, and life/relationships I guess. With that insecurity breeding of traveling abroad, I think perhaps I've found my confidence in other areas of my life also crumbling down. Been trying to read my Bible more often and look for encouraging verses to bring me back to where I was. I know this is just a little stumbling block that I will get through! x

With much love, Lauren.


Ashley said...

We all have those off-periods, where we don't feel quite right with ourselves. At least, I know I do! I'm often not as confident in my decisions, my appearance, and my personality at those times. But it's normal, and it will pass :) I often just attribute it to a hormonal imbalance! And your last few outfit posts have been breathtaking, I love that you're creating a story with them, please keep on that track when you have the time!! While these aren't as editorial, the outfit is super cute!

Unknown said...

I think everyone has those days unfortunately and its something we have to find within ourselves to get out of the funk because its always uncalled for. Like I will add you look lovely in these photos and I see nothing wrong with you, your skin or your hair but as much as anyone else tells you that you need to believe it yourself! Sometimes its just something random that brings that self confidence back to us!

Anonymous said...

i was feeling the same way yesterday. i would encourage you to read psalms 139,pray, and tell your close friends and family. ask for prayer and God does amazing things.

Jenna Leigh said...

Love that dress. You look great in it :)

stop by,

Alexandra Marie said...

Wow Lauren- I've actually been feeling exactly the same way lately- I think it's just a season (I am praying)I hate feeling this way!

You look gorgeous, truly! Love this dress <3 Alex


Unknown said...

My dear ((LAUREN)) as someone who often suffers from anxiety ... I find it bleeds into other areas and so I think you diagnosed yourself accurately!

LISTEN! I wanted to fill you in on a blogger who wrote something that - well, when I read it, I said, "That's Lauren!" :) The blogger wrote: "I know that sounds a bit silly, but whenever I feel not my best, I can take my tripod out, snap some photos, edit, upload, and bam! I'm happier. " Allthoselittlethings.blogspot.com

LaurenLovesLaugher said...

So sorry to hear you've been feeling like this Lauren, but I'm sure it will pass eventually. I go through phases like that too where I'll lose confidence for no reason at all... fortunately it usually passes.

That dress is gorgeous and you look so beautiful - you may feel like your hair's a mess or you're not good at makeup but I (and I'm sure everyone would agree with me) think you look absolutely stunning :)

Lauren xx

LaurenLovesLaugher said...

So sorry to hear you've been feeling like this Lauren, but I'm sure it will pass eventually. I go through phases like that too where I'll lose confidence for no reason at all... fortunately it usually passes.

That dress is gorgeous and you look so beautiful - you may feel like your hair's a mess or you're not good at makeup but I (and I'm sure everyone would agree with me) think you look absolutely stunning :)

Lauren xx

Elliementary, My Dear said...

This totally happens to me too. You will get through it in time :)

Sammi said...

I think this is the eternal struggle of being a girl in today's society. I know you're not searching for validation in the comment section, but you really do look gorgeous here, and this dress is soo lovely. I think one of the best things you can do is just to let yourself feel however you're feeling. Sometimes it can help to try and identify why, but sometimes, there is no rhyme or reason. Your anxieties may be manifesting themselves in this way, but it's important to acknowledge how you're feeling, while not letting them have power over you. <3

xox Sammi

Anonymous said...

Lauen never feel that way.. Youre Gorgeous!

Jamie Rose said...

No need to feel insecure because you're gorgeous! I seriously was scrolling through these pictures thinking, "she looks so so pretty here!" You really do. I know how anxiety can mess with your head though. Usually getting a good night's sleep helps me. I always feel better in the morning!


Anonymous said...

You are perfect!


Kelly-N said...

Hey, I just discovered your blog, after posting my new blog on facebook, and then someone recommended yours to me. As I just mentioned, I am a new blogger, and I would LOVE if you could do a guest post on my blog sometime! You could do one of your normal fashion posts, or talk about how to start a successful blog for beginners. Thanks so much! Here's the link to my blog: chocolatebumblebeee.blogspot.com

Kelly-N said...

Btw...it was your second cousin, Christine (who saw on fb when my parents shared my first blog post)who recommended your blog to me. :)

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