a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What a Beauty!

Hello everyone!

Audrey Hepburn is seriously such an exquisite beauty. She is my icon for style, beauty, class, grace, and just life in general. Not only did she elude beauty on the outside, but also on the inside. There aren't too many women like her anymore. For Christmas I bought a book with 100 pictures of Audrey that her family personally picked out. It is beyond wonderful and has been by my bedside like a bible lately. I picked out five of some of my favorite black and white photos to share with you all. Miss. Hepburn is just a complete inspiration to me.

With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Thank you all for the comfort on my last post about getting my blood work done this morning! All of your words truly made me feel better and more at ease. Some of you get blood work done constantly, so I told myself that if you all can be brave, so could I! (Although I do admit I had a few tears slip out...shh).


Carys said...

I got an Audrey Hepburn book for christmas! I love her simple, chic style so much! Well done on the bloodwork, I am so scared of needles, so, anyone who manages to let the doctors do it seems pretty heroic to me.
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

April said...

You look a bit like her. I've been thinking that for a while, but now I can say it! :)

Shady Del Knight said...

Lauren, just in time for your Q & A week I have given you a blog award. After you have finished answering the questions posed by your readers you could choose to reveal 5 more things about yourself that you would like us to know that nobody thought to ask. When you have a moment please visit my blog, read the latest post, and pick up your award! Congratulations!

None said...

I always liked her, too, because she showed that skinny girls can be beautiful before it was fashionable to be skinny. I think I have that book; at least, I have a similar one that her sons were involved with. Love it.

Chelsea Finn said...

She is my favorite! You picked some great pictures. My favorite is the third one. Have you seen "Breakfast at Tiffanys" and "Roman Holiday"? Those are my two favorite!

<3Chelsea Elizabeth

Sofi Moukidou said...

i love her!!!
so beautiful pics!

JGO said...

Hi Lauren!
It feels so good to be back in blog land.
I've missed you...
You do look like Audrey, I agree with April...
You carry the same style, grace, beauty, and love for everything beautiful...
xo, jacqueline

Jenna said...

I love Audrey!! I agree with all the other comments; you do look like her!!

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