a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Little Red Beret.

Red Beret | Someone Like You
How to Style a Beret | Someone Like You
Styling a Beret | Someone Like You
Little Red Beret | Someone Like You
Beret Outfit 2016 | Someone Like You
Fashion Blogger Beret | Someone Lke You
Brooklyn Style Blog | Someone Like You
Little Red Beret

Red Beret | Target (so old!)
Gingham Top (similar) | Thrifted
Raw Hem Jeans (these are the same wash and style!) | Thrifted + DIYed
Tan  Loafers (similar) | Thrifted.
Red Ribbon (here's a necklace and not string) | Literally off a box of chocolates

Berets have been my hat of choice since the beginning of this blog nearly 7 years ago. If you want to have a gut-wrenching, almost-pee-your-pants laugh, look at this post where I first wore a beret. Love those moody behind the bushes photos, Lauren. Also, spell check the primary item you're talking about. Anyways,  I'm not quite sure where my penchant for them came from, but whatever it was prompted me to buy berets in 6 different colors at Target. I still have all six (and more colors!) to this day.

I don't wear berets as often as I have in years past, but whenever I do tip one onto the back of my head I can't help but feel a little more 'me.' Funny how a fashion item can do that. Berets defined my style for such a long time. I would style my outfits specifically around berets, combining them with my thrift store finds to make vintage inspired ensembles. (see 2010, 2011 2012, 20132014, and 2015)  Looking back at these posts makes me so nostalgic tonight to see my style change so much. It's gone through many phases to accompany the peaks and valleys in my life. Having this blog to document everything has been the biggest gift I could have never planned for myself. This little online space is a living diary to the evolution of my style. I'm proud of how far I've come.

When I was 16 I didn't think I'd still be blogging when I was 23. Hell, I literally was not even ever contemplating being 23. I'm pretty sure I wanted to be married by now lol. At the time, I was just trying to get through high school and pick out my dream prom dress (which I thought I would forever love but already 7 years out I think it's atrocious). Now I am so different, but in many ways still the same. We cannot predict how we will evolve and what moments will shape us. Looking back and seeing this truth  confirmed as I've documented my life on here is kind of scary. I'm sure I'll feel the same looking back on 23 from 30. Who will I be at 30? THAT IS THE SCARIEST THOUGHT EVER. Will I have a career I love? Will I have a family of my own? Will I still be in NYC? Will I still be blogging?!?! This is all way too heavy for a Wednesday night, guys. I think I need to make some Earl Grey tea and take a deep breath.

Jokes aside, blogging has made me realize how weird but awesome my life has been the last seven years. I've grown from a kid to a woman that still wears the same piece, but with a completely different attitude. Although I don't always want to relive 16 year old Lauren's taste, I've got to admit: she certainly got it right sometimes. x

With much love,




Izzy said...

haha it's crazy to wear something from the past and think about how much you've changed throughout the years! I've thrown pretty much everything out from when I was a teen, but I wish I did keep some of the pieces just for the sentimental value (and the lols for remembering what my style was like back then). You look gorgeous both back then haha and now! :)

Metallic Paws

Anonymous said...

I am grateful that you, all of us, and yeahhh your future family///children, and the fashion world, have this ongoing Lauren story - berets and all :)

Now - that necklace is a ribbon from a box of chocolate?! your creativity amazes me - wow!

W/ love,

Lorna said...

Love that blue colour on you!



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