a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bewitching Hour.

Dress: c/o Deb.
Shawl: Aeropostale.
Boots: Thrifted.
Hat: c/o OASAP.

Hi there!

Snapped these outfit photos really quick in Central Park this past weekend right before I went to church. I was super rushed because I was running late (as always) but still wanted to fit some shots in of my outfit. For how muggy it was out and how rushed I was I am actually pleased with the photos. They capture perfectly that 'golden hour' so sought after in photography. To be honest though, the eerie-ness of my outfit makes it seem more like bewitching hour than golden. My mom always says this hat makes me look like a witch. I have to agree; especially in these photos, ha. 

If someone were to ask me what my favorite thing about NYC was, I think I would say the people. It's a strange answer for me because I am not a people person. I am without a doubt a text book introvert and always pick an evening to myself versus hanging out with others. But I love the people of New York because I like to study them. New Yorkers tell me I'm strange when I say I love NYC for the people. They cock their head sideways and say, " you know a bunch of crazies live here?" Every, single, time. Someone says this. But I like the crazies. I think the fascinating thing is that every crazy person in this city has a story. Sure, a lot of people are born in NYC, but most of the people come from all over the country, all over the world. I've never been immersed in such a culturally diverse city where so much is meshed together, but beautifully (even artfully) so. 

You see little pieces of people's lives as you go about through your own day. I love studying people on the subways. Finding out about who they are through the little things such as the way they're dressed, what they're reading, or how content or uncontented their face looks. I listen to their conversations and I learn not only about these people, but from these people. Watching their life pass by through this small peep hole I have for a split second helps me understand my own life.

I've never met kinder, more expressive, crazier, individualistic, interesting people than I have in New York. They are a city of united people. I think they are the essence of what it is to be American because it's every different person from every different background coexisting together to live here. I see the core of humanity here and what it is to be human and care for other humans. The emotions I see in this city on a daily basis are astounding... and leave me always wanting to know more, like a book you can't help but finish all at once. 

I'll never stop wanting to learn about the people who live here in NYC. Maybe some day I will become one of them and my story will continue here, to be studied and reflected on by someone else. All I know is that New York City is full of life. In the most abundant, raw, exciting way I've ever seen. And I love that. 

With much love, Lauren.


Sophie said...

New York life really truly suits you Lauren. Also this outfit is so incredibly stunning. I love it! I'm such a people watcher too and love observing. Maybe we should've been psychologists haha. S x

Conny said...


That dress looks so great on you! I cannot believe how beautiful that lighting is! I always try to capture that perfect "golden hour" moment, but never succeed.. Ill keep trying though :-) Love following along on your NY adventures.


Sara, Swing The Day Away said...

I have to give you props for living in NYC. I could never do it. I am not a city person AT ALL. I can visit, but after a day or two I need to get away to the quiet, to nature, to the suburbs...lol. I must agree, though, that the city is where you see some really fascinating people.

I LOVE this outfit, btw. I love pairing black with a neutral. This shouts autumn to me!

Unknown said...

That shawl.

Unknown said...

Absolutely love this look and the pictures! I hope someday I can get an internship in New York like you!

Jamie Rose said...

I'm so glad you're loving your time in New York! I can imagine there are a ton of interesting people to study. These pictures turned out so gorgeous too. This dress is super cool too. The sheer cutout is awesome.

Jamie | PetitePanoply.com

Alona said...

New Yorkers sound amazing (and remind me a lot of the people of Tel Aviv). This post made me want to drop everything and catch a plane to NY so much ^^
Your writing is beautiful, and your style is so unique. Great post!
x Alona


Kristin Alicia said...

Hi! I really like this look and how you transformed a dress that may look "evening-only" and made it perfect for daytime. Great post :D


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