a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Saturday, July 5, 2014

American Girl.

Denim Top, Loafers, Red Shorts (in hiking photo): Thrifted.
Pearl Necklace: Forever21.
Red Skirt: c/o OASP.
Hair Accessory: Aeropostale.

Hello everyone, and happy Fourth of July weekend!

It has seriously been an awesome one (and I'm not much for holidays usually). My family and I went hiking at a state park yesterday and then went to a festival and saw fireworks in the evening. Every year I forget how much I love fireworks until I see them again on the 4th...it's just such a peaceful, beautiful time to reflect and think about what it means to be a part of this county.

One reason I'm looking forward to studying abroad is to get a more worldly view. I was born an American and have always lived in small town USA, and have only ventured out once. It sounds absolutely awful and so nationalistic, but I don't know what it's like to NOT be American. I cannot fathom other ways of life that people live in the world simply because this is all I've ever known. I don't feel like the American way is the right way or only way, it's just so hard for me to wrap my mind around other humans living differently than I do myself. They don't celebrate the fourth of July or Thanksgiving, they don't play American football, they don't eat the same foods or have the same customs, they don't have the same rights as I do... and just an abundance of others? I want my eyes to be opened to the people of other countries and welcome their way of life into my life to grasp a better understanding of this huge world I'm in, not just this tiny bubble I know.

With much love, Lauren.


Forwhichtheheartbeats said...

Some wonderful thoughts you have here. Wish you good luck for your experiences in Europe and learning about new and various lifestyles.

Your outfit is simply adorable. Love the pearls stacked against denim.

Alexandra Marie said...

Your outfit is way adorable- love these shots! Alex


Sammi said...

You look so gorgeous and festive, Lauren! And I admire your positive, adventurous outlook. I was always too scared to study abroad in school, so I'll have to live vicariously though you. :)

xox Sammi

Unknown said...

You're going to have an amazing experience studying abroad. Travel really opens up the mind!

Also I just love how festive and cute these pictures are. It looks like you had a wonderful holiday weekend!

Jamie | PetitePanoply.com

OrigamiGirl said...

It'll be a bit of a culture shock coming to Europe I imagine but it'll be so amazing. I do hope you fall in love with it! And people all round the world think those same things about their country - just like you don't celebrate Guy Fawkes night or eat Yorkshire puddings. And there is definitely a lot of fun in discovering their new food above all else! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Lauren can you please share who your style inspirations are?:D thanks!

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