a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, November 18, 2013

Haven't Forgotten.

Striped Top: Thrifted.
Chambray: Target.
Cat Watch: Gift from Erin.
Pearls: Forever21.
Circle Skirt, Tights: c/o OASAP.
Hinder Flats: c/o Pink and Pepper.
Lipstick in MAC's Rebel.

Last Wednesday was the day all college students dread--class scheduling. I've never been able to get into all the classes I need, nor with good times in previous semesters...every time it's constant anxiety the whole week before on perfecting the ideal schedule planned and having multiple back ups.

Thankfully this was the first time that I got my ideal schedule! I'm very pleased and excited with the classes I'm signed up for. As I keep progressing through college, I'm finishing up my core classes and finally getting to take a majority of major related classes. For spring semester I'm taking all fashion ones! Fashion Branding, Fashion Apparel Analysis, Fashion Retail Industry, Principles of Marketing, and Social Media Strategies. Oh, and one more class...but I'll let you know what that is for next post :)

Hope you all are well! x

With much love, Lauren.


Wild Flower said...

Lovely Lauren! I've missed reading your blog, you always make me smile and laugh :) Hope school is going well, I also want those tights pretty bad, adorable!


Anonymous said...

How exciting that you are taking all fashion courses! These classes all sound so interesting, I'm jealous!! Do you want to be a designer? What's your career goal?

Xo, Hannah


Unknown said...

That bright red skirt is so lovely and your hair is looking especially gorgeous here. And so wonderful to have a close look at those hearts. That shot was SO amazing, dear. You are so sweet and beautiful!

Unknown said...

Ugh, signing up for classes is always a pain! Your classes sound awesome though! So jealous.
Love the look, too! The chambray really pulls the look all together.
xoxo, LIndsey DIsh

Kailey said...


Vicki said...

Signing up for classes is always so stressful! I'm glad you got a schedule you're happy with, though!(: Love your outfit, by the by! Those tights are too cute!

decked out in ruffles

Elliementary, My Dear said...

You remind me of Kelly from Saved by the Bell in these pictures :) Sounds like you'll have a fun Spring quarter. Principles of Marketing was one of my favorite classes and I took it during the Spring of my sophomore year too haha.

anna gutermuth said...

And I'm currently stuck on MAC's Rebel and I'm jealous that you get to wear it haha.

Scheduling for college classes was always a nightmare on wheels for me too. The last semester I signed up for was the only semester I got every class I wanted/needed to take in the right time slots and then I ended up not being able to finish that semester... it sucked. Congrats on getting all your classes!

Britney @ Scout and Company said...

Well done for getting your ideal schedule! So unheard of!! AND you are such a babe!

Unknown said...

Those courses sound super interesting! Do keep us posted!
Lovely outfit today - especially love your skirt (:

Yuen @ The Craziest Paradigm - a 'lil bit of rust & stardust

Cindi said...

How cute with the little hearts guarding your knees :) Looking forward to hear more about your classes.



Ruby Sterland said...

Love your lipstick! You look different here, I'm wondering if it's your hair? Looking gorgeous, as always! x


Kezzie said...

Hey that's cool you got what you wanted this time! Sounds mysterious, what is the last one!!!?x

nomsa mangena said...

Those tights are so cool! Love the look xx

Would love for you to take a look at my blog if you have a chance// www.fashion-habitue.blogspot.co.uk

Nomsa xx

Karasyn said...

I'm a Fashion Merch major at Missouri State, and it sounds like we are taking pretty much the same classes next semester! Different names, same thing, haha. :)

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