a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life's Snapshots #8.

Hello everyone!
Here are just a few snapshots of my everyday life from the past couple week that include...

1. Me wrapping every Christmas gift in the house but my own. Seriously, I am secretly an elf!
2. Renting DVDs from Blockbuster; One Day & The Source Code. The Source Code I watched with Matt one night and it was pretty good, but not as fantastic as One Day! Here's the review if you'd like to read it; . (It was brilliant. The movie, not my review, ha)
3. Totally swooning over the fact that Wal-Mart carries the mixture for my favorite Starbucks drink; Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate. And only for $5, too!
4. Working on my water color painting for art class. It's a project I'm basing off of every girl's struggle with self-acceptance and seeing themselves larger than they actually are. It's based after this (which is one of my favorite) pictures;
5. What my room looks like on a weekly basis. Obviously I have trouble putting together outfits, lolz.
6. Ahh, there truly isn't any better combination than hot chocolate (in an Audrey H. mug!) and a pumpkin muffin from Dunkin' Donuts...
7. My sister being her silly self! She loves to put my clothing on and act like she's an old grandma. Which really says a lot about my style ;)

Hope you all are doing lovely!
With much love, Lauren.


Sara said...

This is SO cute! that Audrey Hepburn mug is fantastic! i just rented her movie "Sabrina" can't wait to watch it!


Mila said...

I love all of your "Life's Snapshots" posts! This one is absolutely adorable, I love the little touches of holiday cheer mixed in as well. I end up wrapping a lot of my family's presents as well, haha. I definitely want to try the Starbucks hot chocolate mix! Their hot chocolate is AMAZING. Your art project looks so inspirational and lovely, what an amazing idea. My room tends to look a lot of that by the end of the week as well, haha, it's hard to keep it clean for that long! Your sister is so completely adorable! :)


Em [The Writer] said...

Do you have your camera with you everywhere? If so that is awesome!!

Wild Flower said...

Lovely shots! I love Christmas time! hehe. Unfortunately our golden likes to eat all the presents, so we can't put any out till christmas eve :(
Your sister is totally adorable!


Maria Elyse said...

I love number 5! Haha. That's what my floor looks like the majority of the time because of all the clothes I pull out and try on every day. :)

I love these posts; it's so fun seeing little bits of your life. :)

Maria Elyse
First Impressions
Flying Ships Vintage

April said...

Looks like you're having fun! :)

Unknown said...

Cute photos! I really have to try to watch One Day! It sounds like a good movie. :)

Stacey Kay said...

Hahahah thats hilarious about your little sis - and I totally need to see that movie "One Day". Thanks for reminding me.

Goodwill Huntingg
Decidedly Dapper

Jamie Rose said...

This snapshot post is so cute! That hot chocolate looks super tasty and I'm loving the funny picture of your little sister wearing your clothes.

Emily said...

Hahahhahaha! Grace is such a cutie! All of your pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS, you totally make me wanna start saving up for a nice camera, which I am!:) I had Starbucks hot chocolate last year in the springtime before I ran a HUGE race, and let me tell you, it was amazing! I'll definitely have to watch One Day, it looks adorable!:) Happy Holidays!

Kezzie said...

Gracie is just sooo sweet!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

Source Code was a great movie! did you like it?

Isabella said...

I adore all these photos! Your blog is so gorgeous and despite this picture everything you wear looks effortless! Would you like to follow each other? x

Laura said...

That hot chocolate looks delicious! I would love to see One Day but I am going to read the book first.


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