a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Retro Stripes.

Tan Pea Coat (similar): Zara.
Striped 50's Dress: (similar) Thrifted.
T-Strap Heels (similar): Thrifted.
Vintage Hat: Thrifted.

Hello everyone!

I'm back from my Thanksgiving Break which was much too short for my liking. It's been a very difficult semester for me with my course load and working, and a break from it all to be with my family was much needed. I was able to spend a lot of time with my little sister which was perhaps the highlight of the break. With her being ten years my junior, it pains me sometimes to miss out on so much of her life and be absent...

We had coffee (& hot chocolate for her!) at the local coffee shop in the morning, taught her how to play scrabble (she's better than me now), baked chocolate chip cookies, had copious amounts of snuggling, and also decorated the house + tree for Christmas. Spending so much time attached at the hip unfortunately had one adverse consequence....she passed on her nasty cold to me! Ah, oh well. Cuddling up next to her and watching HGTV in the evenings with a warm blanket is well worth the week of sniffles I have before me

I've got a tough couple of weeks ahead  with my finals and lots of projects coming up. I have some outfit photos back logged, but it might be sporadic posting here over the next three weeks. Just trying to make it through because on the other side of the tunnel is my trip to NYC right when I get on break! I've been dreaming about it every day....

Hope you all had a lovely holiday!

With much love, Lauren.


Unknown said...

oh my gosh this is simply adorable!!

Kezzie said...

You do look pretty. I'm glad that you had time to send with Gracey. Would be lovely to see her too! This is classic Lauren, nice to see you rock a 50's frock again. The hat really suits your new hair. Have you.ever seen the House of Elliot at all? You look a bit like Louise Lombard who played Evie from that to me.
I don't suppose you managed to vote for me in that Facebook competition at all did you? It looks like I can't win but I got so close, got to 300likes but not quite enough. Sigh... x

Madison said...

My break sounds a bit like yours....definitely spending time with my sister was the best part too!!! I love everything about this ensemble:) Definitely something I would wear:)

Magnesium Night Light said...

You are a work of art, Miss Lauren. You look like a cosmic blossoming flower.

The Magpie said...

Absolutely love that dress. One of my favorite outfits of yours yet! Good luck with school, finals are kicking my butt :)

Isabella said...

Lovely photos. My next few weeks will be crazy as well! Stupid finals :P


Jamie Rose said...

Good luck finishing up the semester! I remember how hard the last couple weeks are and how Thanksgiving break wasn't really a break at all. You can do it!

Also I love your vintage striped dress here and that fantastic classic camel coat. Everything about this is perfect!

Jamie | PetitePanoply.com

Pauline Moi Non Plus said...

Very gorgeous person !
I love your style !!!


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