a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Black Swiss Dot Dress: TJ Max.
Vintage Ferragamos, Tan Purse: Thrifted.

Hello everyone!

Another wonderful day of spring break. I woke up early this morning to meet a good high school friend for breakfast at Denny's! Look at this too perfect of a mug my hot chocolate came in. Well said! 

I hung out with my grandmother around downtown today and it was so lovely. Downtown is my favorite part of the city. We went antiquing, thrifting, and out for pizza. I picked up a beautiful denim dress that fits like a dream and just needs shortened (thank goodness for designer friends). I have a feeling I'll be living in it this summer! I also got a pair of clip on, rose colored cameo earrings that will be making an appearance soon. To top off an ideal afternoon, I got a cup of coffee at my favorite shop and took some outfit pictures in an alleyway. 

Speaking of outfits, I thought I had lost this dress! I only wore it once at the beginning of the school year and couldn't find it after that...I looked all over in my dorm and all over in my room at home, but to no avail could I find it. Funny how though when cleaning out my closet the other day I stumbled upon it! Glad it's back :)

Oh! And thankfully I was able to schedule a bang trim appointment before I leave back for Kent. I can't stand these grown out bangs right now; they're an absolute mess (especially in these pictures, ugh). It's on Saturday so I can't wait to show you all!

And one more thing. I got an email for an interview for one of the places I applied! I don't want to say where, but I'm mega excited. Hope I can get the confidence in myself to do well and try my best

With much love, Lauren. 


Sandy a la Mode said...

you look amazing, girl! love everything!

Sandy a la Mode

Anonymous said...

You are looking so thin! You were never big before by any means, but now you're so tiny! I just noticed it.

Unknown said...

You look super cute, I love your tights and shoes!

ABBS said...

Your vintage Ferragamos are WONDERFUL.

Laura said...

Cute outfit, love that first picture!


Ellie Balangue said...

loving the shoes :)

Anonymous said...

aww..what a pretty you !!
and beautiful dress too =)
very perfect match !!


Sophie said...

You look gorgeous!

D said...

Oh WOW!! You're looking stunning!! And you lost so much weight *_* Love you <3

Anonymous said...

That dress is so sweet! I love the little swiss dots at the top. Very girly. Good luck on your interview and I can't wait to see you wear your denim dress. I've been thinking about thrifting one, but I'm on the fence about it. Have a great weekend! <3


Unknown said...

this dress is so cute ;)


Unknown said...

This dress is gorgeous, I'm such a sucker for polka-dots and it's so pretty in the mesh detailing!

louisejoyb x

Katie Aman said...

Good luck with your interview! How exciting. I lose things in my closet all the time. I wonder what happens to those items for a few months? haha. You look simply perfect in this brown and black ensemble. That is my favorite color combination (all neutral as it may be). It always looks great :)

Jana K said...

That first picture. Oh my gosh. ADORABLE.
Good luck with the job!

Two Happy Hearts said...

Oh. My. Goodness.
That dress is perfect!
Glad you found it after it went MIA ;)

Nina Cat said...

Love the dress and vintage ferragamos! Looks like you had a great day with your grandma :)

Lemon Kitty (i just really like cats okay)

Ms. Falcon said...

your vintage two tone shoes are totally adorable! great find.

christen said...

glad you found the dress, it's adorable! and i love the shoes too.


Anonymous said...

Really liking your blog! You look beautiful! I just love these shoes. :-) Looking foward to seeing more!

Love, Amy
A. Loo's Closet

Anonymous said...

Wow! I like your shoes and purse, brown is my favorite colour. Greetings from Czech Republic, Lucy

Midwest Muse said...

This dress is PERFECT on you. It is so slimming and adorable. And your hair looks shorter? Did I miss a cut? It looks so good.

Unknown said...

You look so pretty, love that dress. I'm normally not a big black fan but it looks great on you.

I know i'm a bit late but i hope your interview went well!

x Audrey

Vicki said...

That dress is darling! And I love those shoes! It's funny, actually, I saw your photo of the shoes on instagram, and I fell in love with them. The very next day, I was at Goodwill, perusing the shoe department, and I found almost those exact same shoes! The only problem was that they were a very tiny size 5. :P

Decked Out in Ruffles

Unknown said...

These pictures are gorgeous! Looks like you are having a wonderful Spring Break! I really love those shoes - how amazing!

I hope that you get your job for the summer - fun jobs are always the best. :)


Unknown said...

Those shoes are such a great find! And I've totally lost dresses like that before...and then they suddenly appear in my closet which I swear I checked a million times. Weirdest thing!

Unknown said...

Those shoes are such a great find! And I've totally lost dresses like that before...and then they suddenly appear in my closet which I swear I checked a million times. Weirdest thing!

Judy said...

I'm so in love with this outfit!! It's pure perfection, especially those super duper cute shoes.

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