Green Pussy Bow Blouse, Fruit Hat: Thrifted.
Black Shorts: Old Navy.
Wooden Clogs: Target.
Hello there everyone!
For being my first few days of summer break, it sure has been mighty stressful and busy. I had a college visit yesterday along with grad parties and I took the four hour ACT this morning. Blehh, it was just awful and it left me feeling exhausted and with an anwful headache... Today I also took Matt on a big shopping trip for a new wardrobe with his graduation money that took a few hours. Not to mention I've been running all around town turning in applications and such for possible summer jobs. I just want to sit down and take a break! It's sad when you barely even have time to snap a few blog photos. :(
I promise to be getting back to you all as soon as possible. Some of you have left me some incredibly sweet comments and it kills me that I haven't gotten to reply back to them yet. I'm just so frazzled and being pulled in a hundred directions right now! Thankfully I don't have anything too huge tomorrow, so perhaps that will be a good time to catch up to some very much needed blogging.
Hope you all are doing just lovely!
With much love, Lauren.
Being busy is good sometimes. ;) Love that hat on you.
lauren your so sweet! i get excited every time i see a new post from you! i aodre your blouse btw its so cute:)
I love this top!
Love your blouse, you make hats looks nice, I'm jealous.
Good luck on being hired! I know you'll get a job.
love that hat!
actually i have never wear a hat, and this summer is the first time that i bought one!
I love that outfit. I just got a similar shirt in mustard yellow actually. The hat is amazing. Wish I could find a cool one in the charity shops.
Have a good summer!
Very very cute! I love the top and the hat. And your shoes are super cute too!
you are so super cute and I love that your blog has the same name as your favourite book xxx
So cute! You are adorable :)
I'm gonna follow you, if u can, follow me:)
No need to apologize! We all love you and understand so well how hard it is to blog when you're busy. You look gorgeous, of course :)
Gah, I know what you mean with being so busy! I've been going crazy all week...this is the first time I've even been able to just sit down and check my email, read some blogs, etc. I feel so out of the loop with the blogs I follow, as I haven't had time to leave comments lately. :P
I don't think I can quite describe how much I adore this reminds me of this outfit just a little: :)
Anyway, I've just loved all your outfit posts lately, and thought I'd say so since I haven't been able to comment on all of them.
Maria Elyse
First Impressions
Flying Ships Vintage
I LOVE that hat!!!!! Definitely sharing the hat love at the mo!
You look very confident!
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