Checkered Dress, Flannel: H&M in Italy.
Brogues, Necklace, Earrings: Thrifted.
Hello everyone!
Well, I am back at Kent State University for my final year of college! Man, so hard to believe I'm a senior in the fashion merchandising major...I remember dreaming in high school about someday studying fashion and getting to work in the industry, and look at where I am! Only one year left ♥
It's been a good school year so far with a mix of old and new. I'm back in the same apartment I had last year which is comforting to have a place that's felt like "home" for awhile now. My classes are fairly based on my minor this semester, which is fashion media. So, I'm taking a multimedia course and a visual design communications course. For my major I'm in global apparel in the economy which is a class discussing the apparel industry and its affect worldwide economies and industries. I'm also in a computer applications and data class for my major where I learn in depth about how to work Excel! Working at Cosmo gave me an inside look at the real, working industry and I saw that excel is used a ton in fashion. So, if you're looking to enter into the industry in the next few years, definitely develop your excel capabilities! It will be an amazing asset and skill to have/put on a resume.
A new thing thrown into my school mix this year will be a job! I am super excited to have gotten a barista job at the campus coffee shop, Jazzman's, in the student center. It's always been quite a dream of mine to be a barista because I have a passion for coffee. Looking forward to learning the ins and outs of making different drinks and cultivating a skill for coffee making. I'm also excited to just meet all sorts of interesting people on campus. As an introvert, I won't necessarily go up to others and strike up a conversation. So, working as a barista I feel will force me (in a healthy way) to converse with people and create new friendships. My first day is tomorrow, so I'll have to let you all know how it goes soon! x
With much love,
I somehow forgot about your haircut & loved it all over again when I saw the first picture. Happy back to school! Hope you have a good year, Lauren. :)
Yay, you're a barista now! You're going to love it Lauren, and I can see you making an excellent barista :) Don't get discouraged when you start off though...I remember when I first started getting thrown into it and feeling close to quitting after a week. But it's been two years of making coffee and it's easily been one of the most loved jobs I've had yet. Since you already know coffee, it'll probably come easier to you too! :)
Very cute, fall-school-themed outfit. The mix of gingham and plaid are classic and a favorite combo when paired with red lips. Really loving your new, shorter do too! It really does suit you.
Good luck this year Lauren, wishing you all the best!
Oh, a barista? That's awesome. Congrats!
You look so adorable I can't stand it! I love this outfit, and I'm still getting over how much I love your new hair cut. It suits you so well!
Good luck on your last year, and have lots of fun! Congrats on your job as well. By the way...I looked for your name in the copy of Seventeen that I got, and smiled when I saw it listed. Very cool! :)
So awesome that you are getting a degree in Fashion Merchandising.....so perfect for you! I am getting my FACS degree which is partially a fashion merchandising degree also:) Absolutely loving your combos for this ensemble...I would never have thought to pair flannel with checks but this look is fabulous!!!
Good luck on your last year of college and congrats on such a fun job :)
I'm really loving the new haircut, and the whole edgy yet feminine look its bringing to your look.
Do you find that your hair gets in your face a lot? I have been wanting to try bangs like yours on my longer hair for a while now, but I'm a little worried they would frustrate the hell out of me.
I am loving this haircut on you! Great casual outfit too. How cool that you're going to be a barista! I would so love to do that someday, but I'm scared that the pressure and stress of it would be too much for me.
Your short hair just suits you! :)
Congrats on the new job and starting your last year of college! So exciting! I haven't told you how much I love your short hair yet, but I just love it. It looks awesome on you. I'm loving the mixed prints going on in this comfy-looking outfit too.
Jamie | PetitePanoply.com
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