a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Friday, September 4, 2015

New 'Do.

Hi there

Some of you may already know this if you follow me on other forms of social media, but I'm just now getting around to posting it on here: I chopped my hair! Big time.

A short hair cut is something I've been wanting for awhile now. When I finished up my junior year in the spring I wanted to do a little cut before NYC, but was too scared to go the full mile. So, I did a shoulder length cut to test the waters and see how I felt. Because I have been notorious in the past for pining after short hair and then bawling my eyes out after all is said in done (regretting it for months to come).

I loved trading my long, unmanageable entanglement of waves for a shorter, easier lob and knew I wanted to go the next step when I got back from NYC. I felt such an inner change in myself after the summer. One of boldness where I didn't feel the need to hide myself anymore. And for many years, I've hidden behind a mass of hair too afraid to show my "round face," "imperfect skin," "dull brown eyes." Figured enough was enough and I was done hiding. So, without really giving myself a second to rethink things I told my hairstylist to just chop it all off; and that she did.

I've had it for about a week and a half now and still love it. I feel like me. A stripped down, raw version of Lauren who isn't afraid anymore. Someone told me on campus the other day that I seem so much more confident; in the way I speak, walk, and carry myself. That was perhaps one of the kindest and impactful compliments anyone has ever given me.  So glad others can see the changes I have felt move within myself. x

Cheers to the short hair life! x

With much love, Lauren.


Sharon said...

Wow, I want to honestly say that this is the best you've ever looked since you started your blog. The hair cut is perfect for you and makes you even more beautiful. Now i wish i didnt get my pixie cut 2 weeks ago. If i would have seen your hair I would have copied the cut, its really cute.

Carmel Elizabeth said...

I absolutely love this haircut. It looks amazing on you & beautifully compliments your figure! I admire your bravery to go for the chop! I've been considering it for quite a while...

Unknown said...

Super cute!

The Velvet Panoply said...

The hair cut really suits you! It plays up your lovely facial features, especially cheekbones and jawline. :)

Kailey said...

In love with your new hair and the reasons behind the cut - you look stunning <3

Unknown said...

Wow such a big step and it looks gorgeous! I think it looks fresher and you look younger! :) Very cute and with the lavender dress it creates a beautiful fairy look.

Come and see my new post about a visit to Lake Joondalup in my new floral dress if you like! :)
Bad Taste Toast - A German/Australian Style Blog

Kezzie said...

It looks very pretty and suits you. I bet you are finding your head feels so light! I can recommend having your hair cut. I am utterly delighted by the change when I get my hair bobbed each time, I go a little shorter each time and find I like it. I'd never go shorter than chin though!x

Ada Ciuca said...

Beautiful new look. I'm debating a cut like that myself, but I'm also the kind of person that tends to long after my longer hair after a few days. You definitely come across as more radiant and confident even from the pictures, and the cut suits your facial features so well! It's lovely to be able to follow your evolution through your blog writing. Keep up the good work :)


Jenessa C said...

Love the new hair! Very mature look!

Prints And Roses said...

such a beautiful dress and beautiful photos!


Lauren | Chic Éthique said...

You are so beautiful, and I love your hair! It suits you perfectly!


Kimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair said...

I'm OBSESSED with your new hair, Lauren! You look stunning. It totally suits you.

Ellie Balangue said...

you look adorable with those dress!

Unknown said...

I love your new hair! It looks so cute on you and what a great way to re-define yourself. I've been working as a receptionist at a salon for just over 5 years - I started out with long dirty blonde hair and now I have short auburn hair! I definitely feel more like me with short hair.
I had mentioned on Instagram (I'm @thevintageurbanite)about my recent post about my thoughts about short hair: http://thevintageurbanite.com/2015/08/14/short-hair-do-care/. Hope you consider reading it!

Have a lovely day!
Ashley, The Vintage Urbanite

Alexandra Marie said...

Your hair looks seriously gorgeous, love it!! Alex


Sara, Swing The Day Away said...

I love the short hair on you! I also love the weird sensation of washing your hair for the first time after chopping it and feeling how light it is...haha.

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