Never Ever Give Up Shirt: Aeropostale.
Black Dress (worn underneath): TJ MAXX.
Heart Tights, Hat: c/o OASAP.
Loafers, Necklace: Thrifted.
Lipstick in NYX Soft Matte Lipcream "Antwerp"
Never, ever give up has always kind of been the mantra stuck in my head whenever I'm going through something challenging in life. It's proved to work for me! I believe if you keep working hard, no matter how many failures, you can achieve anything you want.
The past two and a half weeks I've been working on eating healthier and exercising. Since coming back to Kent, I had begun feeling really sick in the evenings and just not well. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it had to do with what I was putting in my body. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. So I vowed to start to change my eating habits and quit eating processed junk that has no benefits for my body. I didn't originally start off with the plan to start exercising, but the more I read online about its benefits, I thought I could give it a go. I had been feeling super anxious and stressed this semester with my work load, so I thought exercising might relieve some of that stress.
Two and a half weeks later and am still going strong! I am so proud of myself for sticking to this and trying to make a better me. I honestly do just feel so much better. I don't go to bed every night feeling sick, crampy, bloated (all which was triggering my OCD really badly) and just feel so fresh throughout the day even. My skin has been improving, and I've noticed little changes in the physical appearance of my body which is exciting. The exercising part has actually been great too. I usually try to do at least a half hour a day, about 5-6 times a week and I have just felt stronger and in general happier. This is the most I've exercised in probably six years since I stopped competitive swimming, and it feels great to be strengthening my body.
I'm not in this to necessarily lose weight, but to just be healthier. Honestly, that's all I want. I want my body to feel better, and I've been thrilled with things so far and look forward to continuing developing this new lifestyle. It's definitely not easy all the time. Some evenings I don't want to work out, and often times I want to say forget the fruit and veggies--- I want some pizza! But it's all about moderation and balancing things that are good for you while still treating yourself. I've got a milka bar I've definitely still been snacking on-- but not eating a whole one in one sitting feels great to finally break free of.
With much love, Lauren.
Never, ever give up has always kind of been the mantra stuck in my head whenever I'm going through something challenging in life. It's proved to work for me! I believe if you keep working hard, no matter how many failures, you can achieve anything you want.
The past two and a half weeks I've been working on eating healthier and exercising. Since coming back to Kent, I had begun feeling really sick in the evenings and just not well. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it had to do with what I was putting in my body. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. So I vowed to start to change my eating habits and quit eating processed junk that has no benefits for my body. I didn't originally start off with the plan to start exercising, but the more I read online about its benefits, I thought I could give it a go. I had been feeling super anxious and stressed this semester with my work load, so I thought exercising might relieve some of that stress.
Two and a half weeks later and am still going strong! I am so proud of myself for sticking to this and trying to make a better me. I honestly do just feel so much better. I don't go to bed every night feeling sick, crampy, bloated (all which was triggering my OCD really badly) and just feel so fresh throughout the day even. My skin has been improving, and I've noticed little changes in the physical appearance of my body which is exciting. The exercising part has actually been great too. I usually try to do at least a half hour a day, about 5-6 times a week and I have just felt stronger and in general happier. This is the most I've exercised in probably six years since I stopped competitive swimming, and it feels great to be strengthening my body.
I'm not in this to necessarily lose weight, but to just be healthier. Honestly, that's all I want. I want my body to feel better, and I've been thrilled with things so far and look forward to continuing developing this new lifestyle. It's definitely not easy all the time. Some evenings I don't want to work out, and often times I want to say forget the fruit and veggies--- I want some pizza! But it's all about moderation and balancing things that are good for you while still treating yourself. I've got a milka bar I've definitely still been snacking on-- but not eating a whole one in one sitting feels great to finally break free of.
With much love, Lauren.
That's awesome, Lauren! I know exactly what you mean. I recently got back into my exercise routine and I feel so much better. I feel stronger and healthier, and I'm not eating as much junk food as before. Keep up the good work!
Oh, I also wanted to say thank-you for your encouraging words. I've been feeling very down lately about certain things ( read hopes and dreams ) and your post really was so encouraging. Thanks for being such an awesome blogger.
You've just seriously inspired me. I've always struggled with healthy versus tasty food, and finding that balance is probably the hardest part of it because I'll eat horribly for a week and then try to make up for it by being rigorously healthy...only to fall back into bad habits. It's a horrible cycle, and I'm working to end it - I just wanted to say that this has really inspired me on the way. ^.^
All the best!
I think my biggest struggle is the exercising bit, once I lose one session, I completely lose interest to continue or get lazy. The eating in moderation has really changed me though. I'm doing small things like I try to get lots of smaller packets of chips instead of one large packet, that way I don't overindulge in the whole thing.
Haven't read your blog in a couple of months, so glad I checked it and read this :)
You, go girl! Praying you meet and exceed all your goals--I know with your resolve, you'll succeed.
ALSO. I just caught up on some of your posts and I read that you're interning in Columbus at Nordstrom this summer! That's so uncanny! If it's at Easton, I worked there last summer and over winter break and I can definitely attest that it's such a positive environment. HUGE congrats! I won't be in Ohio much this summer, but if I get the chance, I'll definitely stop by!
Also, I completely forgot to ask yesterday--will you be working on the sales floor? If so, which department? I have a special spot in my heart for TBD and Savvy haha.
Have a fab weekend, Lauren!
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