Polka Dot Top, Skirt: Aeropostale.
Tan Trench: c/o OASAP.
Beret: AA.
Boots: Random shop in Florence.
Backpack: Herschel Supply Co.
Lipstick in Russian Red.
Long time no see everyone! I can't believe I had such a big blogging break --I'm sure some of you wondered if I was ever coming back! It's been a crazy last month in general and I just had to take a step back from blogging. It was starting to stress me out along with everything else I had on my plate. I've found throughout the years of blogging if it starts becoming a burden, then it's time to take a break because blogging should be fun and something I want to do. I just hated writing travel posts. They seemed so forced and boring to me, and although I love going on the trips themselves, it became such a hassle to constantly have these huge travel posts with two, three, and sometimes four parts that were bleh to write about. By the time I would get one place done, I'd be traveling to the next and it was frustrating always trying to keep up. I love to blog about my outfits--it always has been and always will be my favorite thing to capture on this blog. But between the crazy finals of school work, traveling constantly, and not having a tripod it became just too hard to do. So the combination of writing lack luster travel posts and not having time to post what I really wanted just made blogging and absolute dread for me.
Thankfully, the worst of all of my final tests, final projects, and weekend traveling has now passed and I can breath a sigh of relief. Since I've last posted, I've traveled to Ireland and Austria/Germany and had two of the absolute best trips. In school I've shot and styled editorials and created an layout with a great group of gals to make an entire magazine for my Media class that I'm so excited to share. I also with a group created a brand and a whole collection of flat designs and a line plan. Hopefully I can show you all soon some of the work I've done here this semester that I'm proud of in an upcoming post!
It's hard to believe, but I leave to go back home to the US next weekend; I'll be traveling home the 14th of December! I simply cannot wait. I've been incredibly homesick and just need some time off, but parts of me are sad to leave Italy, as well. Not necessarily Italy itself I think (because I didn't really fancy living here in particular), but I guess that this chapter of my life studying abroad will be closed. It is amazing how much I have learned in the last four months. About myself, about life, about the fashion industry. I feel like I am just bursting with so much newness based on the experiences I've had here being in Europe for the last four months, and I'm excited to take the new me back home to the states and see how she does.
Hopefully I can fit a few more posts in before I leave back for the states. I still do plan on posting photos from Ireland and Austria, but I think I'm going to skip out on writing a lot because it's just simply...boring. Anyways, see you all soon! Thank you all so much for being with me in this time in my life--love you all!
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. My five year blog anniversary passed last month without me getting to celebrate! :( I plan on doing something to commemorate it when I get back to the US though!
Hi Lauren, we missed you!!
I know just what you mean about writing travel posts, that happened with my Croatia trip, I just dreaded uploading and choosing photos and trying to write in an entertaining way. That's why I never git around to writing about Florence when I went.
Envy!!! I love Germany and Austria!!
I forgot to ask, did the dress fit by the way? X
I think it is very healthy to have writing breaks when you need them. I´m glad to see you happier than at the beggining of your journey, you seem so much wiser as well! Looking forward to more posts when you get back to your homeland =)
(Btw, I rarely comment on your blog, but it is one of my favourite blog reads!)
Lauren! These pictures are so gorgeous. Rennes looks so similar, I am no realizing! The pretty holiday lights and cobble stone streets are so similar. I can't wait to see your Ireland + Austria pictures!! Have the best travels home and get some gelato again before you leave!!
xo, Isabelle
Hello Lauren. So good to know you through our profile on the blooger. I so glad to stop by your blog post and see those beautiful pictures of you. I am also glad to know you that you are Christian. I am in the PASTORA MINISTRY for last 35yrs in the great city of Mumbai, India a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reachout to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions trip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai during their vacation time. We would love to have you come with your friends to work with us in the slums of Mumbai during your vacation time. i am sure you will have a life changing experience. lOOKING FOWARD TO HEAR FROM YOU VERY SOON. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. May you have a very joyous Christmas season and a very prosprous and Christ centered coming New year 2015 .
Hi Lauren! I stumbled across your blog some how, some way through many clicks and links in other blogs. It took me to your post in October where you confessed your true feelings about your study abroad experience...and...well...I felt like you put into words my exact experience. I studied abroad this time last year in France and there were MANY highs and lows in that time. When I finally boarded the plane in Paris to fly home, I didn't even look back. The biggest thing I learned while abroad was how much I had to be thankful for - a loving family, an amazing school where i was getting an incredible education, a group of true, supportive friends- and learning to truly appreciate every small thing I am able to do because I have such a solid circle of good around me. I'm happy to see you've found many ways to enjoy the remainder of your time abroad as much as possible, but I just want you to know my heart goes out to you as you close this chapter in your life and evaluate all that you've learned about yourself in that time. It's taken a looonnngggg while for me to even begin to have the 'travel itch' again after studying abroad...there was almost a healing process I had to go through from forgiving myself for not having 'the time of my life' to truly appreciating all of my experiences (good and bad) abroad. I wish you safe travels in the coming days and a joyous reunion with your loved ones!
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