a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lessons Learned.

Denim Jumper: Forever21.
Brown Ruffle Blouse: Thrifted.
Olive Green Jeggings: Target.
Brown Wedges: Thrifted.
Leaf Necklace: Target.

Hello everyone!
I was brought back to my freshman year of high school when I pulled out this denim jumper from my closet. I remember the first time I wore it was the beginning of my freshman year. I had no idea how to style it, so I just wore it as a dress... Yikes. Didn't I realize that this jumper barely would cover my behind? Hm, guess not. I got busted by the principal for the dress code (dresses have to touch the knee) and I remember being so upset and wondering why I had gotten in trouble. Sheez, I'm glad I've learned my lesson since then. When in doubt, put pants underneath :)

With much love, Lauren.


Marie said...

Oh such good advice- the wearing pants part. So many girls should heed it. Love this jumper!

Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Super cute necklace giveaway!

Marg said...

I love your outfit!! It is adorable!!!

JordanMayTwigs said...

This outfit is TOOOOOO CUTE!!



L. said...

Teehee, what a funny story :p And look at you now!!! *tear tear*
Love always, L.

Sarah said...

I love how you brought back the jump, but in a modern and sophisticated way!

Unknown said...

It looks sublime with pants!
You are so cute and funny!

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