I've had my pixie cut for over two years but I still remember how scared and anxious I was before the big chop. Before going to a pixie length, I'd had a chin length bob for six years, so I was no stranger to short hair. Still, going from a bob to a pixie was nerve wracking and I learned a lot about my style and confidence in those first few months. You may be thinking of getting a pixie and feeling overwhelmed (and scared) where to start.
If this is you, don't worry. ☺ Here are 7 things I wish someone would have told me before getting a pixie cut to help you with your journey.
Start a Pinterest board.
Sometimes it's hard to describe what kind of hairstyle you're looking for when you don't know the technical terms. Visuals are always helpful to share with your stylist so they can get a feel for what you're looking. Starting a Pinterest board also gives you a personal space to save all of your ideas in one place, here is mine as an example. You'll start to see patterns in what you like and it will be helpful when narrowing down the exact cut you're looking for.
Follow pixie accounts.
A great way to prep you for your pixie journey is to follow others who already have the cut on social media. It will help familiarize yourself seeing short hair on others so you can begin to imagine it on yourself. It's also a great way to gather styling inspiration in real time for when you go for the big chop. Here are some of my favorite pixie accounts.
Research stylists.
When making such a big change, you want to feel confident in your decision. Part of that comes from trusting your stylist. Look at your stylist's portfolio. Do they have examples of short hair? Do they cut short hair how you envision yours to look? If not, do some research in your area for stylists who specialize in short hair cuts, or even look into barbers. I have not gone to a barber, but so many women have shared great experiences with both male and female barbers cutting their hair (and it's usually cheaper!).
Put your best pixie self forward.
Cutting your hair off can be a vulnerable experience, often marking a huge life change. I know for me I was 6 months out from a break up that really changed me, and I was ready to start fresh. The day off your appointment, wear what makes you feel most confident as you enter this chapter. I loved wearing a red lip and a vintage-inspired outfit to my appointment to channel my inner Audrey Hepburn.
How my first pixie turned out, I was inspired by Audrey Hepburn!
Know it's ok if you don't like it at first.
Although I chose to go short and felt excited about my decision, it was still a difficult adjustment. I felt regret. It felt scary to have nothing to hide behind anymore, with the short cut placing all my features on full display. For a couple of weeks, I struggled to accept my newfound appearance. Cutting my hair impacted how I did my makeup, how I dressed and how I saw myself.
It's ok if you don't fall in love with your cut at first like you thought you would. Cutting your hair is just as much an emotional change as it is physical. Be gentle with yourself as you adjust to your new appearance and know that if you don't love it, there is no shame in growing it out.
Be prepared to experiment.
Like most people, I did a lot of research and prepping before getting a pixie. I had an entire Pinterest board full of different styles and types of pixies, but was completely overwhelmed at which style would be right for me. I know if feels important to get it right the first time, but I promise you it will probably take 3 or 4 trims until you find your personal groove.
Early on, I learned quickly on I didn't like the back to look flat, so I started having my stylist use clippers. Then, I wished it had more texture, so I brought in pictures to show and my stylist started using texturizing sheers. The slightest adjustment to a pixie can make a world of difference in your cut and your confidence, so keep communicating with your stylist until you reach pixie perfection.
Styling makes a big difference.
While pixie cuts are lower maintenance (for the most part) than longer hair, I find that it does help to have a few go-to products for styling. It's also just fun! No need to go out and buy a bunch of fancy products. Here are the basics to start with.
Pomades - thicker paste that helps you shape your pixie and provide medium hold
Gels - lighter-weight, max-hold products perfect for slicking down hair
Texture sprays - give you volume and texture without feeling heavy
Some of my favorites
I hope this post was helpful! Getting a pixie completely changed me. It empowered me to step into my best, most authentic self and I love helping others on their journey.
If you have pixie cut questions, send me a DM on Instagram (@passingwhimsies).
With much love,
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