a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

We Are Who We Are.

Pinafore, Collared Shirt, Pendant Necklace: Forever21.
Black Flats: Thrifted.
Hair Bow: Claire's.

Hello there!

My birthday is coming up so soon- August 1st! I've written about it before, but I actually really hate my birthday. It's never been a fun day for me. I'm not one for having attention on myself, so a whole day where everyone celebrates me? It makes me so uncomfortable! I also always get my expectations up really high for the day (even though I try not to), but usually am let down. Because after all, it is just a day like any other day, but I just happened to be born on it.

This year I'm especially nervous and kind of dreading things because it's my 21st, which is such a 'big' birthday that has a lot of meaning to it. But to me, again...I don't want to make a big deal out of things. I think I have decided to have a drink for my 21st though. Something super light and feminine-- I'm shooting for a birthday cake martini or a chocolate mudslide.  It'll be my first alcoholic drink ever! Not sure how I feel about that yet.

I've been very stressed out lately and things have just been mounting...hoping everything calms down soon. Between working a ton of hours at my job in a more stressful position, helping my mom with her broken leg, house sitting, preparing for Italy, and trying to keep up with this blog...I'm just sinking. I feel like sleeping a lot to avoid everything I have to do, but I know that won't help anything. Praying for strength and peace! x

With much love, Lauren.


  1. Love your pinafore! I have the same problem of having high expectations for my birthday (and anniversaries). I'm starting to try to just go with the flow. You should totally enjoy a fun cocktail on your 21st birthday. Sounds like you need one after all of the stressful stuff you've been dealing with :)

  2. You look great! I absolutely love your dress!

    x Angela // www.bouncingbrunette.blogspot.com

  3. Hey Lauren! I too would always dread my birthday. Particularly this years one. But i sort of decided to be ok about it and to get over being insecure. Not too sure how I changed my opinion towards it but I had a really good day. I hope you change yours too! <3 Always here for a chat if ya need.

  4. Hi there! I stumbled upon your blog by recommendation of The Little Gold Pocket Watch and I'm so glad I did! You are absolutely gorgeous and I LOVE the pinafore to pieces! I hope you can bop on over to my blog when you have a moment (http://www.diariesofarucksack.com/) ! I'm just getting started and would love to get your opinions on my posts! Hope all is well and look forward to more from you!
    <3, Teryn from The Rucksack Diaries!

  5. I used to hate my birthday too, until I realized how difficult it was for my Mom the day I was born! lol So now I have a new respect for my birthday, and try to celebrate HER not ME. Because without her ( or Dad either haha) I wouldn't be here. And don't worry, 21 isn't old. :-)

  6. The black, red, and white look very cute together! I hope you have a very happy birthday :).
    xx Tessie

  7. That pinafore is just perfect!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday - and don't stress about the drink. It's perfectly fine, and you're so mature and responsible, there's nothing bad that could happen. So just have a good time!

    Little Gold Pocket Watch

  8. I love the polka dots! They're so cute and feminine. I know that trying something new is always a fun experience, but just remember the Bible's caution on alcohol. It only takes a little to create something big, no matter how responsible we are with it.

    Keep on fighting. Italy's a wonderful place. :)

  9. Love the dress! Will certainly keep a good thought for you as you prepare to travel AND caretake your mom <3

  10. First off, that pinafore looks fantastic every single time you wear it! Also, I've been praying for you and your mom--I hope things get less stressful!


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